Tiger Lily

Here are links to some of my most recently published creations.
Photography in Gallery Ludwig Published in 2020
Cafe Art in Silver Canvas Published in 2020
With the advent of digital image processing there also came the ability to manipulate images in a multitude of interesting ways. I took advantage of that technology early on, calling my creations “cafe art”.
Back in 2011 I started a blog, Silver Canvas, for sharing some of my work. Below are links to summary portfolio pages for the past years. Some years I seem to have been quite prolific, in others I barely dabbled in cafe art. Here there are some “placeholder” thumbnail images for some of my creations. These will be replaced by the real images as I chase down their locations.
Like other photographers, I take a lot of pictures. Some for fun, some for some project, some for others on assignment. Ans some of those photos I share with the wide world. My place to share is my Gallery Ludwig blog. Most of the time I share just one image at a time. Rarely with any verbal details, just the photograph. I let my images speak for themselves.
Over in the right sidebar you will find a little view of my most recently shared photograph. It is a link to the post in My Gallery Ludwig blog.
That blog started at the beginning of 2011. I have a lot of images there. Below are links to annual recap galleries.
Looking back, year by year, photos published on my Ludwig Gallery blog. Some of the images there are just thumbnails for the real image and will be updated as I chase down the locations.
A great deal has changed in the years of my online activities. Some services have come and gone, others have evolved and been transformed into totally different entities.
One in particular is Microsoft OneDrive. It was a very different service, even had a different name, in the early days and provided wonderfully arranged image galleries. I was proud to store and share my photography there. Alas, that is much harder to do nowadays in the 2020s. Consequently I have not kept up my albums on OneDrive as sharing them has become difficult. My work can be seen much more easily via the links to annual galleries above.